Having troubles transferring your entry or accepting a transfer from someone else?
This guide will explain the process. Its quite easy once you get the hang of it!
The transfer process is in two parts: A registered rider logs in and transfers their entry to another email address. The receiver then gets a notification via email and must log on to our system and accept the transfer. The transfer is not complete until both parties have done their part
- I’m Having trouble transferring my entry.
- I’m having trouble accepting a transfer.
- I didn’t get the transfer email.
- Something else has gone wrong.
I’m Having trouble transferring my entry.
To transfer your entry to someone else, log on to the Wild Horizons system with your user name and password. You can do this by clicking the “Register” link on the www.wildhorizons.com.au homepage.
To enter the Event Management System once you are logged on, click the “Enter/Manage My Events” link that you used when entering.
Once inside the events management system you will see a list of events that you have registered for. Note that only events that have been paid for are listed here. If you haven’t paid for your entry you should just cancel it and let the transferee enter normally.
Click the “Transfer” button and you will be prompted for the email address of the person you are transferring to. Please make sure this address is correct or the notification will not be delivered and the transfer will not complete. Enter the address and that’s it! An email will be sent to the address you specified and the transferee will take it from there.
If the transferee does not accept the transfer we will contact you as you will still officially be entered.
I’m having trouble accepting a transfer.
The only way to accept a transfer is via an email. If you did not receive an email and were expecting one, see the help section below “I didn’t get the transfer email.”
Once you have the email, open it up and you will see you have two tasks to perform. Firstly make sure you are a registered user on our site and are logged in. Even if you have previously registered, you will still have to make sure you are logged in to www.wildhorizons.com.au.
Once you are registered and logged in, come back to the email and click the second link. You will be taken to a page allowing you to accept the transfer.
Note that once you accept the transfer you may still be asked to fill in extra details in your profile like address and emergency contacts for example.
You should also click “next” and confirm that your category is correct. For example if an Open male transfers to a Female Masters, the entry will remain Open Male until updated by you.
Once you have confirmed your details and race category you will entered in the event. See you there!
I didn’t get the transfer email.
If you did not receive an email and were expecting one, check in your “SPAM” folder. If you cant find anything in there contact the transferrer and ask them to redo the transfer. Double check to make sure the email address is correct or use another one.
Something else has gone wrong.
OK, so you’ve exhausted every avenue and its just not working.
We are pretty confident our system works well however sometimes things just go wrong. Please gather as much information as possible about your transfer and contact us at events@wildhorizons.com.au.
Try to explain exactly what you were doing so we can try to help you and please understand that it may take us sometime to work through the problem with you because there are so many different computers and browsers and servers out there! We have to eliminate all possibilities.